Selasa, 25 Jun 2013

Big Stone, Small Stone

Assalamualaikum and a very good afternoon everybody.. :)
This is my first entry in English and I hope you don't mind if I make many grammar mistakes. In order to enhance my English, I decided to write in English.
Today I want to share with you about the story that I watched from TV this morning entitled Big Stone, Small Stone.
There are two friends that are studying in philosophy in university. One day, they decided to visit their old teacher to learn from him because of his wisdom and knowledge. They finally met their teacher. At their teacher's house, they were having some talk.
The teacher told them that they must remember what they have done in the past in order to success in the future. The first guy told his teacher that there was a mentally retarded student in his class before and he usually teased him. He felt very regretted about what he had done towards the student. Then the teacher asked the second guy. The guy said that he never did any mistakes likes the first guy before.
After that, the teacher asked the two friends to collect some stones. The first guy must collect big stones while the second guy had to collect small stones from the backyard of the teacher's house. After a while, the first guy only found one big stone while the second guy managed to find many of small stones.
Then, the two friends brought the stones that they had collected to the teacher. After looking at their stones, the teacher asked both of the guys to put the stones back at the same places where they took the stones. It is easy for the first guy to put the big stone at it's place back but it is difficult for the second guy. 
After having many difficulties to put back the stones at the same place likes before, the second guy decided to bring the stones back to  his teacher.
Finally, the teacher told them that in our life, many of us could remember the big mistakes that we have done but not many people could remember all the small mistakes. This does not mean that we did not commit any small mistakes but there were so many of them until it is difficult to remembered them.

That's all from me today. I hope all of us can take the moral value from this story.

Isnin, 24 Jun 2013

Dia Sudah Datang :)

Assalamualaikum semua
Setelah sekian lama membiarkan blog ini bersarang, akhirnya pada hari ini saya, pemilik blog Titian Kehidupan dengan rasminya akan membersihkan blog ini. Akhirnya tercetuslah juga idea saya untuk menulis pada kali ini. Namun, sebelum itu saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Lahir, Sanah Helwah, Happy Birthday dan Saengil chukha hamnida kepada rakan saya Ismi Hawa! (nama gelarannya di blog). Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki dan harap kita akan berjumpa lagi.Ameen.
Dia datang, dengan lenggang-lenggoknya....blablabla...
Ok, berbalik kepada tajuk entri saya ini, rasa-rasanya apa yang bakal saya tulis?
Sememangnya tentang isu yang tengah panas sekarang, iaitu JEREBU.
Akhirnya, semalam jerebu telah datang ke tempat saya. Sebelum ini hanya tengok di televisyen, Johor antara negeri yang teruk dilanda jerebu. Tetapi, setakat ini tidak ada sekolah pun yang ditutup di tempat saya. Saya yang sudah sememangnya sedang bercuti tidaklah terasa jika sekolah ditutup ataupun tidak tapi adik-adik saya heboh mahu cuti. Mereka ingatkan mereka boleh cuti tetapi maaflah kerana di sini keadaannya tidaklah teruk jerebunya berbanding negeri lain.
Saya pun cakaplah kepada adik saya, baguslah tak cuti, dapat belajar. Dia pun kata, kakak bestlah cuti lama.
Ok, saya faham, ini mesti kes cemburu melihat orang lain cuti.hehehe
Setakat itu sahaja coretan saya pada kali ini tetapi sebelum itu saya ingin menyampaikan sedikit pesanan disebabkan cuaca yang berjerebu sekarang...
  1. Kurangkan aktiviti luar terutamanya budak-budak yang suka sangat main petang di luar rumah. Memanglah kalau sakit dapat cuti, tapi apa gunanya cuti kalau badan tidak sihat.
  2. Banyakkan minum air masak.
  3. Kerap kali basuh muka dan mandi setelah melakukan aktiviti di luar.
  4. Bagi yang menghidapi asma, sakit jantung dan penyakit lain yang berkaitan dengan masalah pernafasan, harap boleh segera rujuk ke klinik ataupun hospital yang berdekatan jika terdapat tanda-tanda seperti sesak nafas, mata berair dan pedih kerongkong. Ingatlah bahawa dirimu begitu berharga.
  5. Akhir sekali, digalakkan agar memakai penutup mulut ataupun mask

Setakat itu sahaja pesanan masyarakat dari saya. Wallahua'lam..

inilah rupanya penutup mulut tu...

Antara pemandangan berjerebu di Malaysia...


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